How Stress Impacts Your Health

Chiropractic doesn’t remove stress from our lives, but it does increase our ability to adequately adapt to stress!”

In this video Dr. Holman explains the chiropractic philosophy of the 3 T’s.


Learning how to tolerate and adapt to these stressors allows for a more functional, healthy, & balanced life!

Chiropractic understands there to be 3 categories of stress – 3 main causes of Subluxation.

***We call them the 3 T’s***


Get up and MOVE!

What does my brain and spinal cord control? EVERYTHING!

  • “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.”
    • Dr. Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize recipient for brain research.

Practice good posture.

Have yourself and your family frequently assessed for vertebral subluxation and adjusted when necessary.


ELIMINATE: Corn, Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners, & Refined Carbohydrates. Good Luck..

ADD: Vitamins & Micro/Macro nutrients.

HYDRATE: Consume Water – at LEAST ½ body weight in oz/day

Have yourself and your family frequently assessed for vertebral subluxation and

adjusted when necessary.


Guard your Mind. Worry is fear painting pictures in your mind. If you watch that channel for too long, you won’t be able to turn it off.

Have yourself and your family frequently assessed for vertebral subluxation and adjusted when necessary.


Maximize our Performance in these areas, we Maximize our Health! It’s not enough to eat, think, and move well to simply avoid sickness and disease. Rather, we do it to obtain health.

Chiropractic does not REMOVE stress from our lives. However, it does ⬆️INCREASE⬆️ our quality of adaptation to stress.

The balance between our internal and external environment is controlled by the integrity of our⚡️nerve system?

Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments release stored tension in the nerve system.

Stress = Change. Our ability to constructively adapt to the CHANGE brings us closer to Optimal Health.

If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, or if you simply want to improve your overall spinal health, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team in Hastings, Minnesota. 

Schedule your appointment TODAY so we can start elevating your HEALTH to OPTIMAL levels!

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